A Song of Something Wild
by Matin Yaqubi, Friends Select School
Every breath I take is my own.
the air is scented with the perfume
of trees and I long to be lost in them,
as I long for you to be lost in me.
The crunch of leaves is music
as I walk, the symphonies echo
within each step and the sound
of your laughter is as much at home
as the wind, softly moving each branch.
We took off our clothes in the moonlight
and undressed ourselves in its silver rays,
we read each other’s textured skin like braille
and found the only answer that mattered.
The leaves fell and grew and
we fell and grew with them.
the birds loved and sang and
we loved and sang with them.
Until winter kissed our heads
and we grew white with it,
our hair falling like snow
onto the grass we so loved.
In honor of us the grass wove
a sepulchral quilt and the insects
carried us away as pharaohs.
In our bones did start a field
of flowers, on which
the sun had always shone.
Honorable Mention in the 2019 Walt Whitman Poetry Contest